Improving your AR by Switching to a Billing Service for Your Medical Practice

One of the most frustrating issues for a physician is delivering quality medical services and not getting paid for it. Your practice can become successful only when the receivables are captured at all times. In absence of follow ups, you will not be able to recover the deserved amount as the recovery process becomes close to impossible once the account receivables reach 120 days.

What causes long-pending account receivables?

If your staff is not efficient in monitoring and keeping the account receivables of your practice active, it can become extremely difficult to retrieve the amount after a certain period of time. Usually, the entire process of finding out reasons behind delays, claim denials, following up with insurance companies, resubmitting the claims is extremely tedious due to which a significant number of physicians in the US lose thousands of dollars in the form of long-pending account receivables.

Some of the challenges you might face with account receivables are:
  • Denial of an insurance claim-
    If your patient is considered non-eligible by the insurance company, the claim will be denied and your payment will get delayed. In this case, claim (paper or electronic) will have to be resubmitted and regular following up will have to be done every time the claim is denied. If you file the claims beyond the claim filing limit, your account receivable will become next to impossible

  • Coding errors-
    Revisions are being done to CPT and HCPCS Level II codes annually and with the growing number of patients, and in this scenario your staff happens to make any coding error, AR will get delayed till the matter isn’t resolved

  • Delayed payments-
    Sometimes government aided insurance companies don’t make the payment on time which again delays the payment process for physicians. In this case, too much time goes in constant follow up with the payers

  • Adjudication issues and documentation-
    There can be certain adjudication issues and requirement of additional documents or clarification for patients that needs to be catered in time to ensure that AR doesn’t get delayed

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How can you improve your account receivable?

Account receivables will get converted in revenue only when you are dedicating enough time and resources into follow-ups, error-free claim resubmission, analysis of denials, maintaining past AR records, staying updated with new policies and procedures and so on.

To manage account receivables, you will have to perform:
  • Timely follow-ups with patients as well as insurance companies
  • Analyse the reasons for claim denials, fill the claims forms again without errors and submit them
  • Keep updating the list of long-pending ARs and work towards getting the revenue

The entire AR cycle management demands substantial amount time which can distract physicians from offering quality patient care which very few can afford currently. has been offering effective AR management services to physicians across 50 US states. We offer in-dept analysis-backed AR management solutions or customize parts of it to your practice needs so that while we help retrieve your revenue you can concentrate on offering medical services.

Aligning your medical billing goals with your Practice’s Goals!

A truly successful medical practice in today’s evolving healthcare industry is one that has its goals aligned with its medical billing goals. To a physician, however, it may seem like yet another time consuming task, but well determined objectives of a medical practice, if successfully translated into billing and coding practices can result in enhanced efficiency and greater profitability.

Many practices outsource their medical billing functions to third party experts, who work on pay-for-performance principle. This in-turn ensures that the billing experts work in sync with the revenue goals of the practice, for they get paid only when you get paid. Another way to go about medical billing is enhancing the in-house function; along with implementing performance based compensation to in-house staff may help do justice to your revenue goals.

Goal alignment has become the need of the hour for maintaining the competitiveness of your practice. The following steps can assist you in effective definition of practice goals and alignment of the same with medical billing goals –
  • Identify your primary goals – Medical practice is built around the primary goals of patient care and service, which can resultantly improve revenues. Although profits and revenue are not primary goals, they are essential elements of every practice. Thus, it is crucial to write down goals in clear statements such as – “our goal is to maximize revenue while delivering unmatched healthcare and medical service to each and every patient” or “Assist patients in accessing healthcare service at reasonable costs and without wastage of time.”

  • Communicate these goals to the medical billing staff – Once your goals are defined, make sure to discuss the same with your billing staff. Many physicians deign to indulge in the financial aspect of their practice and thereby lose out on a big chunk of their revenues. Medical billing goals are primarily focused on payment collection, correct coding, claim filing and reimbursements. Each activity takes new meaning if only practice goals are communicated well to the billing experts, whether external or internal.

  • Monitor the gap in understanding and training – Keeping a track of staff activities and billing reports can effectively prove if medical billing goals and practice goals are aligned or if there is some gap in staff or consultant understanding. Regular interactions and consultations will lead to clearer goals and efficient achievement of the same.
  • Update goals as per the changing industry scenario – HIPAA and HITECH guidelines, in addition to EHR regulations and RAC procedures have necessitated extreme caution and care to be applied while handling with patient data. Medical billing and coding goals are required to be more data and revenue centric rather than service oriented. However, a balance can always be established between conflicting goals. can help you define your practice goals and align them with medical billing goals. We can facilitate you in achievement of your financial and service objectives on a continual basis by understanding your practice objectives and applying them to your billing practices.

Our billing experts have been serving healthcare specialists in varied domains across all 50 US States for more than a decade now. We help physicians concentrate on patient care as we handle their entire revenue cycle process in line with their medical billing goal; along with assisting them in aligning their practice goals with the help of our experts’ in-dept healthcare industry knowledge.

Protecting Your Practice Against RAC Audits With the Help of Efficient Medical Billing Practices

Efficient medical billing practices can make or break your medical practice and if anything can verify this statement, it is an RAC audit. RAC audits of Recovery Audit Contractor audits are nothing short of a nightmare for any healthcare provider.

Medicare and Medicaid are two healthcare carriers that provide coverage and reimburse physicians and hospitals for the services they provide to patients covered under these carriers. However, medical practitioners are known to receive over-ayments due to incorrect claims or erroneous coding at the time of medical billing. In essence, government tries to ensure patients’ best interest and control the rate of fraud, error or wastage by putting RAC audits in place. But the resultant inconvenience caused to a medical practice in the event of an RAC audit is nothing short of disastrous.

Not only is error-free coding and meticulous book keeping of paramount importance, subsequent adjustment of office accounts can play an important role in case an RAC audit actually happens. To protect your practice against RAC audits, you must put efficient medical billing practices in place –

  • Follow correct coding for services –If a medical service is incorrectly coded for the sake of avoiding internal confusion or due to oversight and the incorrectly coded service is reimbursed by Medicare or Medicaid; then your practice can be in for an RAC audit. Transparent and efficient medical billing practices help you monitor coding of services on a regular basis and avoid simple yet latent disasters, hence with a little more attention, you can save your practice a lot of money and hassle.
  • File claims for correct payment amounts – Scrutinizing the final claim statement filed with healthcare carriers is of paramount importance. If the government settled an incorrect payment amount to your practice, as long as five years ago (as per recent healthcare reforms, the RAC audit period for overpayment has been extended from three years to five years) then your current financials can suffer drastically. Diligent book-keeping is a medical billing practice that can help you avoid this scenario altogether.
  • Avoid duplicate services – It may not be fraud at all, but mention of duplicate services is rarely ever seen as an honest human error by an auditor. A prudent medical billing practice is installing audit software or enlisting the service of a compliance auditor, to fix your errors before an actual audit.
  • Don’t claim for non covered services – Services that are not necessary and reasonable under section 1862(a) (1) (A) of the social security act are not meant to be reimbursed by Medicare or Medicaid. Avoiding inclusion of the same in your claim amount can save you from a potential audit. an expert in medical billing and coding serving the healthcare industry for more than decade now can help protect your practice from potential RAC audits by offering immaculate medical billing consultancy and services.

RAC auditors conduct audits on providers in response to insider information or complaints, upon diagnosing irregularities in billing and coding practices as per the CERT or other CMS analysis. With comprehensive and efficient medical billing practices in place with the help of our experienced medical billers and coders, our client’s practices are well equipped with all the required defenses in place to protect themselves against an RAC audit.

Streamlined Medical Billing and Coding Helps Increase Physicians Revenue

Are denials, ignored or lost claims, inaccurate coding and underpayments making it difficult for you to collect the revenue you have earned? Physicians have a busy schedule and with the doctor patient ratio getting disproportionate across the US, handling the task of medical billing and coding has turned into a daunting task.
  • Complexities of coding can take a toll on your revenue
    A huge problem can occur in case of coding errors. If your staffs happen to give the wrong code, claims will either be paid incorrectly to the wrong provider or not paid at all. Coding is getting complex with revisions in CPT and HCPCS Level II code annually and with the growing number of patients, just an in-house medical coding facility won’t make your task easy.

  • Wrong information
    Filing insurance claims is already a daunting task and in case of wrong information not only will the claim will be denied but you might end up losing or ignoring the claims and not procure significant part of your revenue.
Moreover if you delay claim submission or fail to follow up, you can lose revenue. Can you afford to lose payments every time such an issue occurs?

How to make revenue procurement easier?

Accurate medical billing and claim processing is the only key to obtaining and maximizing revenue for your practice. There is no need to end up underpaid or leave your revenue uncollected just because it is a tedious task.

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  • Updating documents as per the coding revisions-
    you will have to ensure that your clinical documents are updated according to the coding changes or revisions so that no error occurs. CPT coding guidelines will have to be applied to cut down the risk of denials

  • Resubmissions of denied claims-
    don’t let denied or lost claims leak your revenue. You will have to make sure that claims are resubmitted accurately

  • Follow ups with insurance companies-
    getting payment from insurance companies is a time-consuming process. You will have to keep following up with them regarding the procedure and resubmitting or making changes till the correct details are not provided to them

  • Proper training to the medical billing and coding staff:
    if you want to rely on your in-house billing system, it is necessary to keep your staff trained and updated about the changes in the health care industry on a time to time basis
Is it too much to handle?
If the process to procure your payment is too much to handle while you struggle with lack of time and staff to attend your patients, why not outsource medical billing and coding services? has expert billers and coder who will not only improve your revenue collection but simplify each billing process to ensure smooth functioning of your practice. MBC deals with medical claim filing for physicians from more than 50 US states, relieving them from the headache of managing their funds and revenue cycle every month.